Here you can find all the information on MEPCO rates for 2024 through this website. MEPCO provided all necessary guidelines like MEPCO Rates 2023 and other information required for a new connection. All the information regarding unit price, new connection fee, new meter charges, free supply form, new connection fee, net metering, MEPCO with-holding tax statement, and meter reading we can get it either from the website or by visiting the local office.
MEPCO also provided all necessary information required for a new connection or complaints regarding new connections meter readings, electric power services, etc. for developing a new connection in your area; the customer must obtain an application form that can be found at the MEPCO local offices within your areas and available on the MEPCO website. This application form is available in both. Urdu and English
Staff at MEPCO offices also helps to fill out your application form.
MEPCO is known as Multan electric power company MEPCO maintains all the distribution of electricity to your offices, homes, factories, etc. All the power consumption in Multan is managed by MEPCO.
Even though all the Mepco rates 2023 are depending on the Tariff structure of Mepco company every year Mepco rates are changed by the Authority on the basis of fuel charges.
MEPCO New Connection Rates:
After the application form is received, a notice will be sent for the new connection in which all the security deposits and MEPCO new meter charges and other connection charges are supported by NEPRA. All these charges are approved as per provision according to the eligibility criteria of the consumer. Then, ALL connection charges are deposited in the Bank through an approved application form. We can refund all security deposits after disconnection.
MEPCO Unit Rate
It depends on how the consumer consumed electricity. The amount of electricity consumed after the meter reading is converted to a unit rate. All the MEPCO unit rates are mentioned in the electricity bill. The unit rate is always based on the electricity tariff structure. Each year there is a new structure according to which the unit rate is calculated.
PITC stands for a power information technology company. PITC Web Billing MEPCO is a procedure to know the MEPCO bill rates and electricity consumption based on unit rates and other charges.
What is Unit Rate?
A unit rate is basically a cost for each and every unit of energy that is used. unit rates vary on Tariff structure, unit rates are added to the bill that the consumers consume Unit rates shall charge only from the consumers who are approved by the NEPRA
unit rates are calculated by formulas and these are in the form of real numbers
MEPCO Net Metering
The electricity saved after use from your solar system goes back to the National Grid. The more power goes to the National Grid. The more credit will go to your monthly bill.
How is MEPCO Net Metering done?
Your enclosure is fitted with a two-way meter that produces an accurate record of the electricity going to and from the Grid. Depending on the time of use, the cost of electricity supplied to you is less than your Bill it is the process of Net Metering MEPCO
mepco net metering basically available in many area with the help of net metering process you can generate electricity more
Any applicants who meet the requirements of NEPRA rules and regulations submit his application along with all the documents for the net metering if the application is not complete in all respect so it can be rejected so you have to apply again and further procedure exceed.
Benefits of Net Metering MEPCO
- you will no longer waste your surplus electricity, but your bill will be reduced as it costs, increase your savings as much as you want
- An easy and low-cost system that does not require any expensive batteries etc
- Helps to control problems like load shedding and low voltage
- Equal to no maintenance
- The costs incurred on the system are reimbursed to the user after three to five years of use. the system can operate for at least 25 years
MEPCO Meter Reading
A meter reading of all MEPCO consumers is routinely recorded each month to see how much electricity has been consumed. The MEPCO meter reading is done on time every month according to the billing cycle so that the electricity is inspected and its unit charges are noted Meter reading is done generally by the Local Distribution consumers of all sub-divisions are divided so that meter reading can be done on time and it is the responsibility of distribution offices to complete the Bill reading on time.
MEPCO Bill Calculation Formula
To calculate the bill charges, All those who are engineers are familiar with calculations are calculated their bill easily through electricity bill calculation formula but there is a website available for those non-engineers who can’t calculate bill from the calculation formula. MEPCO Bill Calculation Formula guides the customer about billing rates and calculation here is the formula these formula are the important parts of a mepco bills companies because its important tasks to calculate units of customer and then publish it
it’s the simplest way to calculate bill it requires
Energy consumption calculation
E(kWh/day) = P(W) × t(h/day) / 1000(W/kW)
Electricity cost calculation
Cost($/day) = E(kWh/day) × Cost(cent/kWh) / 100(cent/$)
1unit = 1kWh.
Total kWh = 1000 Watts x 24 Hrs. x 30 Days = 720000 watts/hour. convert it into Units
Where is 1unit = 1kWh?
total Consumed units. 720000/1000 (k=kilo=1000).
Total Units = 720. Cost of per unit is 9
total Cost or Electricity bill= 720 x 9 = 6480. (In dollar,Pound etc.).
Some people can’t calculate formulas with this example but for those people, there is a calculation formula on, in which the bills can be easily calculated by adding information into the blank boxes so that all the calculations can be determined. The company use a built-in formula to calculates million of consumer bills they have some software package through which they can calculate their bills units this software are all time available to calculate bills of consumer they have not have enough time to calculate bills manually that’s why they can calculate their bills online with software and then publish consumer bills
MEPCO Free Supply Form
MEPCO’s free supply form is for all WAPDA employees. These forms can be filled by people working in WAPDA and MEPCO offices; this form is also needed when you need electricity concessions. these forms include the reference number and all the information of the employee and then this form is accepted.
MEPCO Defaulter List
What is the defaulter list?
The MEPCO Defaulter List is a list that contains the names of all consumers, employees, departments, organizations that have not paid their power consumption bills.
The defaulter lists include circle (like area), telephone number, name, and address,
Age and amount. Defaulter list is all the information as we can say personal info of all employee consumers that don’t pay their bills etc these are area wise lists in which categorical data are included like those who pay and can not pay their bills on time
About MEPCO Withholding Tax Statement?
MEPCO Withholding Tax Statement is an amount that an employee with-hold from employer wages and sends directly to the government. The amount has withheld a credit against the income taxes. It is a must for an employer to pay every year. Filing of MEPCO Withholding Tax Statements is mandatory for the employer.
The tax statement of Mepco is based on employee service within the company and these forms are based on all the categories related to employee service